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 Since nobody donated, the server will be down for the next week! If somebody donates, the server will be up, and rates will be 1000000000x!

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4 posters

Posts : 87
Join date : 2008-07-03

Since nobody donated, the server will be down for the next week!  If somebody donates, the server will be up, and rates will be 1000000000x! Empty
PostSubject: Since nobody donated, the server will be down for the next week! If somebody donates, the server will be up, and rates will be 1000000000x!   Since nobody donated, the server will be down for the next week!  If somebody donates, the server will be up, and rates will be 1000000000x! I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 26, 2008 9:03 am

Since nobody donated, the server will be down for the next week! If somebody donates, the server will be up, and rates will be 1000000000x!
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Posts : 4
Join date : 2008-07-25

Since nobody donated, the server will be down for the next week!  If somebody donates, the server will be up, and rates will be 1000000000x! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Since nobody donated, the server will be down for the next week! If somebody donates, the server will be up, and rates will be 1000000000x!   Since nobody donated, the server will be down for the next week!  If somebody donates, the server will be up, and rates will be 1000000000x! I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 26, 2008 9:35 am

=o WTH i would have donated but i have to wait like 1 more week....
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Posts : 87
Join date : 2008-07-03

Since nobody donated, the server will be down for the next week!  If somebody donates, the server will be up, and rates will be 1000000000x! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Since nobody donated, the server will be down for the next week! If somebody donates, the server will be up, and rates will be 1000000000x!   Since nobody donated, the server will be down for the next week!  If somebody donates, the server will be up, and rates will be 1000000000x! I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 26, 2008 10:50 am

You can still donate for another 2 hours from this messages posting!
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Posts : 4
Join date : 2008-07-25

Since nobody donated, the server will be down for the next week!  If somebody donates, the server will be up, and rates will be 1000000000x! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Since nobody donated, the server will be down for the next week! If somebody donates, the server will be up, and rates will be 1000000000x!   Since nobody donated, the server will be down for the next week!  If somebody donates, the server will be up, and rates will be 1000000000x! I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 26, 2008 1:53 pm

lol i cant for like a week my mom took my money xD
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Baby Dragon

Posts : 23
Join date : 2009-01-10
Age : 28

Since nobody donated, the server will be down for the next week!  If somebody donates, the server will be up, and rates will be 1000000000x! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Since nobody donated, the server will be down for the next week! If somebody donates, the server will be up, and rates will be 1000000000x!   Since nobody donated, the server will be down for the next week!  If somebody donates, the server will be up, and rates will be 1000000000x! I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 06, 2009 11:32 am

donate is it euro money or Sg Money? or MY Money? if money cash better lo coz i must save hong pau money =D
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Posts : 2
Join date : 2009-02-17

Since nobody donated, the server will be down for the next week!  If somebody donates, the server will be up, and rates will be 1000000000x! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Since nobody donated, the server will be down for the next week! If somebody donates, the server will be up, and rates will be 1000000000x!   Since nobody donated, the server will be down for the next week!  If somebody donates, the server will be up, and rates will be 1000000000x! I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 17, 2009 10:48 pm

is the server still on??
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Posts : 2
Join date : 2009-02-17

Since nobody donated, the server will be down for the next week!  If somebody donates, the server will be up, and rates will be 1000000000x! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Since nobody donated, the server will be down for the next week! If somebody donates, the server will be up, and rates will be 1000000000x!   Since nobody donated, the server will be down for the next week!  If somebody donates, the server will be up, and rates will be 1000000000x! I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 17, 2009 10:52 pm

is the server still on ?? because i just registered
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Since nobody donated, the server will be down for the next week!  If somebody donates, the server will be up, and rates will be 1000000000x! Empty
PostSubject: SOMEONE DONATE   Since nobody donated, the server will be down for the next week!  If somebody donates, the server will be up, and rates will be 1000000000x! I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 05, 2009 7:47 pm

Hey, how much donation do you guys need?
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Since nobody donated, the server will be down for the next week!  If somebody donates, the server will be up, and rates will be 1000000000x! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Since nobody donated, the server will be down for the next week! If somebody donates, the server will be up, and rates will be 1000000000x!   Since nobody donated, the server will be down for the next week!  If somebody donates, the server will be up, and rates will be 1000000000x! I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 21, 2010 1:33 am

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Since nobody donated, the server will be down for the next week!  If somebody donates, the server will be up, and rates will be 1000000000x! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Since nobody donated, the server will be down for the next week! If somebody donates, the server will be up, and rates will be 1000000000x!   Since nobody donated, the server will be down for the next week!  If somebody donates, the server will be up, and rates will be 1000000000x! I_icon_minitime

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Since nobody donated, the server will be down for the next week! If somebody donates, the server will be up, and rates will be 1000000000x!
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