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 Need some help please getting some weird messege when trying to logg on.

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Posts : 1
Join date : 2009-09-06

Need some help please getting some weird messege when trying to logg on. Empty
PostSubject: Need some help please getting some weird messege when trying to logg on.   Need some help please getting some weird messege when trying to logg on. I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 06, 2009 9:57 am

Hi I am new here so need some info,i've downloaded V.55 global but seen some topics about V.62 so not sure about which one I should have...Also i've downloaded the exe. with Opera and put it in the maplestory folder.But the problem is when I double click or press open a messege pops up and says:

Unable to connect to the login server.

Either you are not online or Maplestory is going through a server check.
Please check the Maplestory homepage for more information.

I've also had some problems with private servers on maplestory before but then i couldn't see any charachters and my hp and everything was dissapearing and reappearing.

So if the server is do or if I have done something wrong please tell me really want to play on this server,it seems really cool Very Happy
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Need some help please getting some weird messege when trying to logg on.
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