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 Heard that i was banned for nothing -.-

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Posts : 1
Join date : 2008-12-14

Heard that i was banned for nothing -.- Empty
PostSubject: Heard that i was banned for nothing -.-   Heard that i was banned for nothing -.- I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 14, 2008 2:37 am

Account ID: xVeronica
Character Name: xELISE

Why do you think you were banned: I dont know ? i was afk. but heard i wasn banned for hacking which obviously wasnt the case
Why do you think we should unban you: COS I DID NOTHING ? -.-
If it wasn't your fault you were banned, whose fault do you think it is: The GM who ban me for nothing =.=

If afking is a bannable in dracoms , then i really will have nothing to say.
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Heard that i was banned for nothing -.-
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