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 Who wants this: 200 Votes and everybodys a GM for 1 day! (You have to vote though)

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Posts : 87
Join date : 2008-07-03

Who wants this: 200 Votes and everybodys a GM for 1 day! (You have to vote though) Empty
PostSubject: Who wants this: 200 Votes and everybodys a GM for 1 day! (You have to vote though)   Who wants this: 200 Votes and everybodys a GM for 1 day! (You have to vote though) I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 09, 2008 9:05 pm

Who wants this: 300 Votes and everybodys a GM for 1 day! (You have to vote though)

Please vote at both, even though the first one to get 300 votes from where we were everyone will get GM status for 1 day, which would be votes, for the first, 200 for the second! PLEASE VOTE AT BOTH! THANK YOU!
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Who wants this: 200 Votes and everybodys a GM for 1 day! (You have to vote though)
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