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 deathrules69/CLEARIC gm app

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PostSubject: deathrules69/CLEARIC gm app   deathrules69/CLEARIC  gm app I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 22, 2008 2:01 pm

lol! in game name:CLEARIC

time that i can play: i am only alowed to play until midnight but i can play from 9:00 til midnight depending on when i wake up usually 9 or 10 o'clock

experience: sadly i dont have any experience as a gm but i downloaded a gm handbook just in case i need it

i know that i should be a GM because: i can play over 12 hours a day plus i love this server i would host event a lot depwnding on what the owner says about it so ya i would host a lot of events dayly when im on vacation i wont be able to play but schools comin up so ill have to finish homework before i can get on plus on school nites im only allowed to play untill 9:00pm and i cant play before i go to school so ya

Describe yourself (Not what you would do as gm, just yourself in general in the real world) :i am accually just an ordinary kid i go to school i do homework and i live my life i just happen to love computers i would most likely like to be an engineer when i grow up and decide to do something with my life i am not active i dont play sports i do take pe class just because its fun and i get to try different sports so im not very active at all i will be on the server between when i eat and when i watch tv

Ex ;

Hobbys, Freinds, Family, School, sports, ect ect. i dont have a hobby accually, friends well i have a cousin hes my friend his gf is my friend too and at school i have like just a little bit of frinds in my neighborhood not many kids at all, school i do pretty well in school but i dont like to do homework like almost every other kid in the world am i right, i dont play any sports

My definition of GM is :just a regular player on a game just with extra power than an accual normal character they can moderate the game and really do what they can and feel like if the owner of the game says that they need to do something they do it and if the owner tells them that ey cant do something they cant do it and if they follow the rulers like everybody else they get in trouble if they abuse power they get them taken away

If I were GM for a day, I would :i would accually make sure that hackers werent messing with the game i would just maybe help others if i didnt see any and maybe play and lvl up a little even tho i can do that intantly i would train anyway

I can benifit the DracoStory community and game by :helping players with there problems and i would make sure hackers werent able to play on the server so it didnt crash the server.

I would not abuse my GM Powers in such ways as :spwning item without permission or monsters or banning people for no reason or aspecially lagging the server so it would crash because i like DracoStory its an awsome server

Have you ever had ANY experience as any Sever Moderator or GM? If so, please describe what you did to earn it, and how you handled the job. :i was a gm on another server i earned it by helpng players and following the rules i handled the joblike any other good person to keep the server up and running and not letting it crah because of hackers

What would you do if someone spots a hacker while you are offline? :well if i found out about it i would get on and take care of it or i would ask another gm to take care of it if i couldnt at the time over chat that would be a good way to handle it

What would you do if you saw someone hacking at all? :i would ask them why they would do such a thing and if they tried to run away i would probably ban him for 24 hours and if he ever did it again i would ban him forever (i dont like hackers but come on lets cut them some slack there low down littlw people who have nothing else to do with there lives why would mess ther life up any more

What is your definition of "Only a few"? :maybe either 2 or 3 but i wouldnt take it further than that because a few id like maybe at the most 4 because a couple is 2

Would you slip a special item or two a certian way to someone you know or love eithe rin Maple or the real world? :well i would most definatly not in maple because that like cheating the game to get an item but in real life i dont really know that is a good question (depend on the item)

Are you sure? :yes, quite

Liar, you not bing truhtful, haha, or maybe you are. Abstinence is key. What is the Definition of Abstinence by the way? :the act of voluntarily doing without some or all food, drink, or other pleasures

How about Peer pressure? :peer pressure is not a problem ive dealled with it before it ended up in me losing a friend but at least im not on drugs

Now whats your definition of "Fitting in"? :fitting in is just a fancy little words that mean the popular click or the cool crew or nerds or some other group of people that "fit in" together because they have the same interests

thats my gm app hope u like it lol!
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[GM] Hitman
Baby Dragon

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PostSubject: GM   deathrules69/CLEARIC  gm app I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 22, 2008 2:10 pm

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Location : just ask ur mom

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PostSubject: Re: deathrules69/CLEARIC gm app   deathrules69/CLEARIC  gm app I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 28, 2008 9:46 pm

i posted this before anyone told me that it was full and plus its not my fault that u guys didnt put that it was full in the first place so dont yell at nme about it just because u guys made a mistake i get enough of that at home lord have fucking mercy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Age : 30
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PostSubject: Re: deathrules69/CLEARIC gm app   deathrules69/CLEARIC  gm app I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 29, 2008 4:03 pm

no they did say it was full
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PostSubject: Re: deathrules69/CLEARIC gm app   deathrules69/CLEARIC  gm app I_icon_minitime

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